April 2018 Mail Piece of the Month
The Ultra-Personalized Mail Piece
fmi MARKETING SOLUTIONS presents a methodology for printing highly personalized mail pieces for medium to high volume jobs.
Why It's Effective?
Using the latest ink-jet technology, clients are now able to print full color variable text and images on-the-fly. You gain the ability to personalize each mailpiece with the efficiencies of a one-stream job. Our method provides versatility and flexibility to variable print every single record.
Who Can Benefit?
Any mailer from any industry can embrace ultra-personalization with great success. The video highlights a couple specific examples: a company using personalized imagery for their multiple-locations; and another company using this technique to duplex their personalized order forms on-the-fly.
Watch the video to see how fmi Marketing Solutions brings this mail piece to life. Then contact us today to learn more about implementing the power of ultra-personalization into your direct mail programs.